Sunday, February 20, 2005

Pop Art

We had a Beatle fest for part of the day creating a nice bit of musical ambiance... Seemed kind of appropriate. In fact, I remember the very day Sgt. Pepper was released. My mom and I went over to the nearby record store and they opened the album up and let us sit there while it rained outside just listening to it start to finish. I'd never heard anything like it. Beautiful, fun, lyrical, innovative, brilliant on so many levels. We bought it of course. It's still one of my all time favorite albums. That afternoon is a very sweet memory. Maybe that's partly why I like rain so much. :)


Blogger karin said...

boy are these gorgeous! the girl has amazing breasts!

12:17 PM  
Blogger Gary Roberts said...

Beautiful shot, I need to get past my intimidation and find a model to shoot for my portfolio. It is the last giant hurdle I need to overcome. But I guess first I need an actual idea that would probably be helpful.

This is a beautiful idea, I love the selective colorization with the body paint instead of doing it in photoshop it is just so much more interesting.

12:27 PM  

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