Friday, May 27, 2005

Audioslave, Chris Cornell

Originally uploaded by Charrmer.
A small aside about Chris Cornell... Cornell has an interesting superstition. He says it's bad luck to soundcheck using a song that will be in the show...

Though I can't speak to the local show I read that Cornell performed a cover of the Beatles song "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" during a soundcheck before their historic free performance for 50,000 fans in Havana Cuba. It was the largest crowd an American band has ever played to over there!

A couple of asides about the Beatle song in question...
The line "feeling 2 foot small" was originally written "feeling 2 foot tall." John Lennon sang it wrong but left it that way because he liked it better. Session musicians played flutes, it was the first time outside musicians ever played on a Beatles record. And one last thing... John Lennon said "That's me in my Dylan period."
;) To see a gallery of images from the Sacramento Audioslave show click here Audioslave for eMusiConnect


Blogger Trish said...

What a great shot, Charr!

4:48 AM  

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