Sunday, January 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by Charrmer.
Solardrone is one of the three bands I shot on marathon band day and we drove over to a huge abandoned building on 15th and R. There is a joke about band publicity photos-- So NO brick walls. In fact it's such a cliche now that there is actually a site dedicated to band photos shot in front of brick walls. Of course when we got to the abandoned building in question all of a sudden all I could see was brick! Painted in funky sage colors but brick nonetheless. And the guys all groaned of course. No brick walls!
So we found this very cool corner nearest the street and did some cool environmentals there.


Blogger Gary Roberts said...

I love that building, I've always wanted to use that building for something. But unfortunately it never worked out. And now it looks like they are cleaning it all up.

Have you seen the stairs on P Street at like 17th or 14th, I can never remember but they are corner stairs in sort of stone tile. I've always thought it was promising, but the lighting isn't that great. They face south basically but there are a ton of trees so maybe you can find a good time.

12:06 PM  

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