The Revolting Cocks, aka Revco
So, there I was during the Revolting Cocks set checking the back of my camera to make sure I had the shot but I look up to discover only one inch from the tip of my nose-- is the tip of Sin's guitar... and he's holding it steady right there, just teasing me. I was taken aback to say the least but Sin and the guitar don't appear to be going anywhere. I look at him, look at the guitar-- and I can't move, the rail of the photo pit is at my back. What do I do I ask myself... and then I know there is only one thing to do... MUAHHHHH! I kissed the tip of the guitar with sincerity and the look of surprise on his face and ensuing laugh was priceless. I ran into him in the lobby after the show. "Nice improv!" he said. :)
MInistry was the headliner with opener Pit Bull Day Care and the completely astonishing Revolting Cocks. About two minutes into Revco's set I was once again reminded that this is what it is all about-- the joy, the fun, the insanity, the noise, the visual slap in the face that wakes you up and makes you feel completely alive!
Wanna see a cool slideshow of this wonderful show? Click and View!