Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alicia Keys

The beautiful Alicia Keys performed last week at Arco Arena and we were allowed two songs to shoot from the pit-- two songs that blended nearly seamlessly together and if it was more than four minutes combined I'd be surprised. But what a great four minutes. Keys sat at her piano that spun slowly in a 360 amidst smoke while she played bathed in blinding white light. Next Keys strutted up and down the runway, alternately joined by her dancers as she commanded that big stage.
The trick for me in these fast paced situations is to shoot a lot, look for a way to make nothing into something because if you are short, and behind something large and looming like the monitors, which I so often am, you have to find other ways to make interesting photos. So in addition to the obvious, that defining image of any artist on stage, I look for the artsy. I thought the silhouettes with the colors beaming from behind did the trick. So there you have it. Four minutes of the beautiful Alicia Keys...
check out eMusiConnect for a gallery of images from the show.

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