Monday, May 04, 2009

Forever Plaid, Forever Charrmed

So who are these adorable, charming, dinner jacket wearing, delightfully goofy and sweetly smiling men? Meet The Plaids, the amazing Forever Plaid men who appear Tuesday through Sundays at The Cosmopolitan Cabaret on K Street Mall. It's a night of wonderful music from the 50's all woven into a tale of The Plaids, a singing group who come back from the dead for one night to perform the big show they never got to perform while they were alive. I don't think the smile left my face even once from the first second of the show to the very last. The songs are all great classics, which these guys sing beautifully. The choreography by Guy Stroman, an original member of the New York cast, is amazingly precise, the guys nail it. Each guy has his own special character to play with the humor near constant. AND you'll want to take every one of them home to meet mom!
There are a few moments when one or more of them break out into the crowd to engage an audience member too and I was one of them last Saturday night. It was a thrill! Don't miss this, it's a great night out at a beautiful cabaret style theatre and a rare treat!
and in honor of mom's everywhere...


I don't shoot weddings, but I shoot weddings. :) And when I do it's a bit more from a photojournalistic point of view. Turns out that for 'not-a-wedding-photographer' I've shot quite a few too. Today I had to did into some old hard drives and along the way came across some cool images from one I shot a few years ago so here are a couple of candids of the lovely bride!

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