Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cheech and Chong, Still Up in Smoke

Originally uploaded by Charrmer.
Cheech and Chong performed at the Memorial Auditorium in Sacramento the other night and just like their hit movie Up in Smoke from 1978 the smoke was flowing-- for real-- thick, aromatic, billowy smoke-- of the herb variety. Small wonder, it's what Cheech and Chong is all about. They capitalized on a genre many years ago and in my opinion no one has ever done it better or funnier. cheechandchong02.jpg

Friday, January 02, 2009

Life is Art, Live it Luscious

Happy New Year everyone! I'm not making resolutions but I AM working in some new directions that are artistically satisfying, challenging and fun! As an artist I am always striving to find new ways to express myself, to learn new things-- I find myself constantly inspired in some way or another. As long as I can remember I've been an artist, a visual thinker. Now with the incredible digital tools I've enjoyed the opportunity to delve deeper into creating what's in my minds eye in addition to the literal expression that takes up much of my work life. Combining mediums-- art and photography-- is something I've been doing for years. I love working on images to blur the lines between photography and paintings, convey emotion with expression, color. Just pulled these photos out of my portrait archives today and went to work on them. This is just a first look at a new addition to the kinds of photographic portrait sittings I offer. Imagine what you might look like as a painting...

Life is Art, Live it Luscious


Hope all your own creative endeavors are deliciously fruitful this year!

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